December 22, 2020

Is Your Child Obese?

We’re sure your precious one is plenty cute, but pediatrics account for an age-appropriate amount of plumpness when they determine whether a youngster is overweight. Not addressing the problem can cause harm over time, as a new study suggests obese kids even as young as 2 quadruple their chances of becoming obese adults. Your doctor can help you come up with a plan to help your child maintain (not reduce) his current weight, so he grows leaner as he gets older. The good news is that because he’s still growing, attaining a healthy weight has more to do with correcting bad habits than putting him on a diet. Are you giving your child too many sweets and sugary drinks? Do you allow more than 2 hours of TV a day?
(Does he have a television in his room?, Bad idea) Let your child spend more time running around the yard. Join in and you may lose some weight yourself.


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