February 17, 2020

Dust Mites : Dust Mite infestations Produce a More Harmful Type of Allergen

Dust mites are perennial household problems because they easily multiply, while their microscopic size allows them to remain invisible to human eyes. A single mated-female dust mite is capable of producing 60 to 100 eggs, usually during the last five (5) weeks of its existence.

Dusts are quite visible because they tend to accumulate. Dust accretions include not only particles of dirt, soil, grime and pollens, but also bits and pieces of textile fibers, dead skin cells, fur or feather sheddings, human hair and other minute matters.

Within walled areas, dusts settle on surfaces as well as circulate in the air. These alone are already potentially harmful as allergens.

The situation gets worse once dust particles get entrenched in carpets, curtains, mattresses, beddings and upholstered furniture. Those are the places where dust mites thrive, and subsequently produce and build-up a more harmful type of allergen.

Dust mite infestation in homes have been scientifically ascertained as a cause of allergic reactions; manifested by way of rhinitis, asthma attacks, and atopic dermatitis or eczema.

Dust Mites as Producers of a More Harmful Type of Allergen

Since dust mites feed on dander and slough, it follows that they also excrete wastes that are even more microscopic. According to scientific studies, a house dust mite is capable of producing about 2,000 fecal matters that still carry digestive enzymes. Such enzymes have been identified as the principal allergens.

In addition to their fecal wastes, dust mites also leave an even larger amount of partially digested slough already covered with the allergy-causing enzymes.

Scientific studies found out that the average life cycle of a dust mite is from 65 to 100 days. When they die, their decaying bodies remain entrenched on thick materials and upholstery; becoming additional allergens circulating within enclosures.

Eradication of Dust Mite Infestations

Although dust mites exist and thrive everywhere, studies have established that they flourish in warm and humid regions especially in dark enclosed spaces.

When thriving in such conditions, regular vacuuming does not suffice to eradicate dust mite infestations. Periodically, carpets, mattresses, thick curtains and upholstered furniture must undergo professional deep-cleaning methods to greatly reduce, if not totally eradicate dust mite infestations.

Scientifically, it has been proven that professional carpet cleaning, which usually involves steam application, can eradicate as much as 87% of dust mites inhabiting a specific area.

This is one reason why in warmer regions, carpet cleaning requires a more thorough process. More so, for living spaces unoccupied for long periods of time, such as unrented carpeted-houses, hotel rooms or second-homes that serve as vacation getaways or retreats.

Boca Grande in Florida for one, is an island community that has gained popularity as a haven for exclusive residential retreats. Second-homes are common to wealthy families wanting to escape harsh winter seasons. Prior to a family’s arrival, carpet cleaning boca grande homes require intensive processes and disinfecting solutions.

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