April 21, 2020

4 Amazing Benefits of Trampoline Exercise

Trampolines aren’t just for kids. The repetitive bouncing motion of trampolining actually has many health benefits that make it appropriate for people of all ages and almost all health statuses.

The trick to getting the most out of a trampoline is choosing – and using – a trampoline that’s most appropriate for your needs and living situation. Consider the health benefits of trampolining as well as your goals, budget, and space to find the right one.

Lower-Impact Cardiovascular Fitness

When you jump on a trampoline, the flexible surface moves with you as you land, reducing the impact of landing. So, unlike other forms of cardiovascular fitness such as jogging – where the impact of making contact with the ground can lead to bone and joint injuries of the ankles, knees, and hips – trampolining is less likely to generate these types of impact-based injuries.

Improved Lymphatic Function

One of the greatest benefits of trampolining is the benefit it offers to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system plays an important role in immunity, bathing cells throughout the body in lymph fluid to collect cellular waste and move it toward the appropriate waste removal system, whether the skin, lungs, liver, or kidneys.

The lymphatic system runs vertically along the extremities, but unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system has no pump to keep lymphatic fluid and waste products moving.

Improved Balance and Coordination

Many people struggle to maintain balance the first few times they jump on a trampoline; however, trampolines are actually quite good for improving balance and coordination across all demographics. Think of a trampoline a bit like the old computer game, “Pong.” The ball in “Pong” bounces back and forth between two paddles, but the ball moves at different angles based on the speed and location of each paddle as it connects with the paddle.

Fun Form of Exercise

Trampolining is fun, and there are few people who would argue otherwise. There’s something about the feeling of flying that’s invigorating and rewarding, and anytime you can engage in exercise that’s fun, the more likely you are to stick with it.

On the other hand, those who viewed physical activity as a fun pastime ate less following their activity and were more likely to view the experience as enjoyable. You can also buy mini basketball hoop for your trampolining activities.

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