January 22, 2023

Reasons Why Scientific Research Should be Translated

Therefore, you completed your research, carried out your study, and produced your article—possibly even had it published. Your task is now complete, right? Wait a minute. In our increasingly international world, it’s more crucial than ever to translate your scientific findings. Here are five strong arguments for having your work translated.

1. Make more information accessible

Even though English is the language used by most research organizations and labs, many other languages are also spoken there. By translating your study using 澳洲NAATI专业翻译, you open up your findings and hypotheses to a larger audience, which will enable them to further develop and advance your work.

2. Fill knowledge gaps

Native speakers of other languages are constantly at a disadvantage, both as researchers and as consumers, because so much research is done and published in English. Although the “knowledge gap” between the affluent and the poor is well-known, the knowledge gap caused by linguistic obstacles is less frequently acknowledged.

3. Take on a fresh viewpoint

Scientists and researchers who seek to communicate their discoveries are frequently concerned about their findings being “lost in translation.” Many people do not, however, see the possibility that scientific translation presents; occasionally, speaking another language requires saying things somewhat differently, which might lead to the discovery of new information.

A word or phrase may need to be expressed slightly differently in another language if it cannot be translated accurately. Nevertheless, this doesn’t imply anything is being lost—you’re just discovering new discoveries! Maybe there’s a more accurate German phrase for that, or maybe the French way of saying it simply… works! Learning a new language may disclose anything.

4. Condense

Many expert scientific translators agree that when interpreting scientific content, it is frequently simpler to simplify than to expound. But this doesn’t imply your study will become meaningless; frequently, it may distill or clarify concepts in a way you would not have considered.

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