April 18, 2021

Keeping Clear: Pollen Allergies

Pollen, which is an allergen, flies all year round. Among them, it seems that it tends to start to scatter in earnest when the cumulative maximum temperature reaches 400 degrees Celsius from New Year’s Day. Avoid times when there is a lot of pollen scattered on TV, newspapers, the Web, etc.

Pollen tends to scatter more during the day than on sunny days after rain, sunny, low humidity or windy days, and at night. Especially between 12:00 and 14:00, the amount of pollen scattered tends to be large, so you need to be especially careful when you go out.

Guard with a mask or glasses

For masks, soak the gauze in water, squeeze it tightly, and then pinch it inside. Moistened gauze prevents pollen from passing through and helps alleviate throat dryness. It is also recommended to use a pollen mask.

Do not bring pollen from clothing etc. into the room

When I get home, I put pollen on my clothes and hair at the front door. Before taking in laundry and futons that have been dried outside, be sure to knock off the pollen. Refrain from drying outside when pollen flies. And if you small critters on your home hiring pest control will take care of that problem.

Make good use of air purifiers

Soaring pollen often falls to the floor, so it is more effective to place it on the floor than near the ceiling. Have a medical institution prescribe an anti-allergic drug and take proactive measures. There is a way to get an anti-allergic drug prescribed by a medical institution and take it from a week or two before the pollen is scattered.

The effect is rarely seen in 2 to 3 days, and the effect appears by continuing internal and external medicine for a while. If you develop hay fever every year, go to a medical institution as soon as possible.

How to keep house dust away?

Of all the house dust, the ones you should be especially careful about are mites in the dust. Carcasses and excrement of mites become allergens.

Care for indoors and bedding

Clean the dust in the room. Futons and blankets are often dried in the sun and vacuumed to remove mites and their carcasses and dung that have adhered to the surface. Wash pillowcases and sheets frequently. It is also recommended to use a cover that has been treated to prevent ticks.

Diligent ventilation is important

Due to the tight airtightness of modern homes, the interior tends to be damp. Be careful of ventilation in the room to prevent the temperature and humidity from which mites and molds can easily grow. In the summer, it is also recommended to use an air conditioner to dry the room. It is recommended to keep the humidity below 50% and the room temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.

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