January 31, 2020

Building A Strong Social Health

Almost everyone is intuitively aware that social loneliness cannot really benefit a person and has also been scientifically proven. Although most people need an irregular withdrawal, extensive or even complete isolation, which lacks any social interaction, it damages the psyche so badly that it is even used explicitly as a torture method. Research also shows that together with the psyche, the body itself begins to suffer from the absence of social contacts. Today’s society is responsible for many problems here. Because not only the everyday life of many people complicates strong social health, much is also outsourced to social media and thus creates a self-reinforcing negative effect.

What is Social Health?

Social health in today’s society

Today’s western society often claims to be very social. That’s true, on a humanitarian level. In fact, however, there are also many negative points that are manifested primarily in the interpersonal area.

What is social health?

Ultimately, it is a simple calculation: if the psyche is doing well (through social interaction), the physique is usually doing well, and vice versa – Mens sana in corpore sano. In fact, however, social health is determined by a much larger set of factors that interact with each other:

  • Good education
  • Language skills
  • Adequate income
  • Social Security
  • (Family) cohesion
  • Satisfying lifestyle

All of these points ultimately determine the extent to which a person can achieve social health at all. An example: A person with poor education, a resulting low income, poor social security and an unhealthy lifestyle will automatically be socially less healthy than a person with all of these criteria in a positive way. The problem already begins here due to the far less secure conditions of our modern civilization, for example in the area of ​​job security.

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